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Returns Policy

Our returns policy gives you peace of mind when trying Facetheory.

If for some reason you're not completely happy with a facetheory purchase and don't notice any visible improvement in your skin within 365 days - just email us at for a free exchange or refund. 

You don't even have to return your product.

The Small Print

We can only accept product returns once per product over 365 days - and we reserve the right to say that our products may not be suitable for your skin and decline any further purchases from you.

Refunds exclude any delivery charges.  We offer a maximum refund limit of kr 900 over any 365 day period.

* Magnitone and other cleansing brushes are excluded from this policy. You can return it to us within 30 days or alternatively to the manufacturer after 30 days if the product proves to be defective.